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Con Ed History

Con Edison traces its origins all the way back 1833 when the Manhattan Gas Light Company began lighting New York streets with coal gas. Competition soon grew so that by 1880, six gas companies were battling in the streets for customers. That ended in 1884 when they all merged to form the Consolidated Gas Company.

In 1882, however, Thomas Edison's Edison Illuminating Company had begun supplying New Yorkers with electric lighting from its generator station at 255-57 Pearl Street in lower Manhattan. After the bitter War of the Currents, Edison and his financial backers created General Electric Company. GE later spun off Edison Illuminating Company to compete with other utilities. Naturall, New York's gas companies were eager to snap up the increasingly successful electric companies. By 1901, Consolidated Gas Company managed to acquire its competitors, including the Edison Illuminating Company. In 1910, it separated its electric companies from its natural gas and steam heating operations, forming them into one utility as the New York Edison Company. In 1936, the two companies fully merged their operations to become Consolidated Edison.

Today, Con Edison runs one of the most demandingly complex yet reliable electric power systems in the world. It serves 3.4 million customers in a small 604-square-mile service territory. Con Edison supports hundreds of nonprofit organizations across New York City and Westchester that safeguard the diversity, equality, social justice, and civic involvement in the communities it serves.

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Con Edison Service Territory

Shop Con Ed's Cheap Electric Rates

Con Edison serves approximately 3.4 million electric customers in some or all of these metropolitan New York Area counties:

Bronx Brooklyn Kings New York Queens Richmond West Cheester

Con Ed serves these cities:

Bronx Brooklyn New Rochelle New York City Staten Island

Compare Con Ed Electricity Rates

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in the Con Ed service area.

  1. Enter zip code.
  2. Select "electricity".
  3. Choose "residential" or "business".
  4. Click "Shop for Rates".

In New York, electricity utility service territories may overlap in some zip codes. If the tool reports that it has found more than one serving your zip code, don't worry! Just choose your local utility from those listed.

You'll then get to see the listing of all the energy suppliers' plans available in your area, along with rates, term lengths, and links to more detail information.

How to Start New Con Ed Service

Getting set up with Con Ed is easy and convenient. Just visit the Con Ed web site to start, stop, or move electric and/or gas service.

Customers can apply to set up service by calling Con Ed customer service (1-800-752-6633).

Be ready to supply:

  • Service Address: The address where you want your service turned on or switched.
  • The start date for electricity service.
  • Personal Information: You will need to provide a valid form of identification (such as a driver's license or credit card) to validate your name and prior address. Otherwise, you will need to pay a deposit.
  • The utility may also require you to prove responsibility for service and ask you for a copy of your lease or deed.
  • Con Ed will then determine if they require a deposit.

Applicants for electric service must have paid in full all bills on their past Con Edison accounts or agree to a deferred-payment plan before a new account can be opened. Con Edison will notify you by letter within three business days after receiving your application if it has been denied. The letter will state the reason(s) for denial, exactly what you must do to be approved.

Will I Need to Pay a Deposit?

In New York, no utility can require any new residential customer pay a security deposit as a condition of receiving utility service.

The utility can require a deposit if:

  • You're new seasonal or short-term customer.
  • Existing customers that made two or more late payments within a 12-month period, or are experiencing financial problems (for example, employment or debt problems ) will also need to pay a deposit.
  • The customer was previously disconnected or has unpaid energy bills during the preceding six months..

Note: If you're aged 62 or older or you are receiving public assistance, supplemental security income, or additional state payments then you will not need to pay a deposit.

If you must pay a deposit -- Con Edison must notify you in writing within 3 business days about the specific reasons why you are required to pay a security deposit. NY law states that deposits cannot be greater than an estimated two months usage.

Customers have 20 days after the utilty sends the deposity request notification to make a payment. However, customers can pay the full deposit in installments over a 12 month period. National Grid can hold deposits for residential service for 12 months. If the customer pays their bill in full and on time for 12 consecutive months, the deposit will earn interest.

Understand Con Ed Delivery and Supply Charges

In New York, residential customers pay for both the cost to deliver their electricity as well as for the amount of electricity supply that they use.

  • Delivery Charges are fixed rate charges (tariffs) representing the cost of transmitting electricity to your home via Con Ed's power lines. The charges cover the Con Ed local infrastructure operating costs, maintenance, and ensures them a profit. Other usage-based charges are small costs from riders to fund projects, cover fees, etc. During the summer months of June, July, August, and September, Con Edison's delivery rates are tiered. That is, there's one rate per kWh for usage at 250 kWh and lower, than a higher rate for anything over 250 kWh. Con Ed's delivery charges must be approved by the New York Public Service Commission (NY PSC). All Con Ed customers pay the same set Delivery rates no matter who supplies their energy.

  • Supply Charges represent the price for the amount of electricity that you use. Con Ed customers can choose to get their supply from Con Ed at its "Price to Compare" (PTC). However, because of New York's Energy Choice program, customers are also free to choose energy from competitive retail energy service companies.

  • Understand Con Ed Zone Charges

    New York State is a complicated place to supply and distribute electricity. For the that reason, the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO) operates New York's bulk electricity grid, administers the state's wholesale electricity markets, and provides comprehensive reliability planning for the state's bulk electricity system.

    To keep the power flowing smoothly all across New York State, NYSIO has divided it into 11 load zones, labeled A through K.

    Find out your Con Edison Load Zone electric rate.

    These load zones directly affect your electricity rates:

    • New York electric utilities can operate in more than one load zone. For example, Con Edison serves zones H, I, and J.
    • Both supply and delivery rates can be different in each zone. That means the rates you pay for your electricity will depend on which zone you live in.

    Understand Con Ed PTC Charges

    When deregulation began in New York, all utilities that wanted to participate in consumer choice had to sell off their generators. However, the NY PSC requires these utilities to provide electricity supply at a default rate to customers in their service territory who don't shop for a retail supplier. As a result, these utilities must purchase their electricity supply for the default rate from generator companies.

    The NY PSC oversees Con Ed's default service rates since these represent generation supply costs that are passed directly through the utility onto their customers without mark up. This default rate is also called the "Price to Compare" or PTC.

    Price to Compare (PTC)

    The PTC default rate represents the actual price (generation + transmission) the utility pays for the electricity. In other words, it not only includes the generator company's price for making the electricity but also the cost to transmit it from power stations over high tension power lines to Con Ed's local electrical switch yards. From there, the electricity is distributed throughout the Con Ed local electrical grid for delivery to homes.

    Con Edison's PTC rate is composed of the Supply charge, the Merchant Function Charge, the Clean Energy Standard Supply Surcharge, and Gross Receipts Taxes and other surcharges.

    The Supply charge consists of the Market Supply Charge (MSC). The MSC rate per kWh is made up of the total cost of energy based on NYISO day-ahead market (DAM) prices, Ancillary Services Charges, New York Power Authority (NYPA) Transmission Adjustment Charges ("NTAC"), and Transco Facilities Charges ("TfC").

    Because electricity demand fluctuates due to seasonal weather, Con Edison's Supply charge rates can vary seasonally; low some months, higher the next -- especially in summer when air conditioning usage can soar.

    Con Edison Current PTC Standard Residential Rate:

    • 18.430 cents per kWh, Zone H, expires 6/30/2025
    • 18.430 cents per kWh, Zone I, expires 6/30/2025
    • 18.430 cents per kWh, Zone J, expires 6/30/2025

    How Much Do Con Ed PTC Charges Cost?

    The NY PSC reports that Con Edison's residential usage in 2019 (excluding low income) averaged about 412 kWh each month.

    Therefore, an average residential PTC bill in Zone I roughly breaks down like this:

    Rate per 412 kWh Used Monthly Customer Charge Total
    PTC Supply Rate, Zone I
    (excluding MFC and other surcharges)
    18.430 cents 0 $75.93
    Monthly Distribution Charges
    (non-summer rate, excluding riders)
    $0.11976 per kWh $16.50 $65.84
    Total Bill $141.77

    Understand New York Energy Choice

    New York electric consumers are free to choose buy electricity from Energy Service Companies (ESCOs). These alternative suppliers shop deals with different producers on the wholesale market to offer competitive rates. As such, their rates are not controlled by NY PSC nor do they include the same complicated supply surcharges that Con Edison does in its monthly PTC rate. This way, ESCOs are able to offer competitively priced fixed rate plans for a variety of term lengths.

    Though it can seem confusing, shopping electricity plans is an easy process. The trick is finding the one that meets your needs. That's why retail energy suppliers in New York offer two types of plans:

  • Fixed Rates have their price rate set for the same price over the term of the contract. Customers can count on stable energy rates on plans lasting from 3 to 36 months. However, many fixed rate plans come with early cancellation fees for breaking a contract early.

  • Variable Rates Want to avoid getting tied to an electricity plan for months or years? Then choose a variable plan. Variable plan rates on these contracts can change from month to month depending on the price of the electricity supply. But while there's no contract, there's nothing to prevent your rate from going up one month or down the next. However, these plans don't have any termination fees and this allows customers the flexibility to shop for new rates and switch to better deals without paying any penalty.

  • Your Energy Usage and Understanding Your Con Ed Bill

    While your energy usage habits are unique to you, any New York native will tell you that winters can be bitterly cold upstate and summers can be muggy and oppressive in the five burroughs. While your biggest energy usage will usually follow the weather, all those other domestic activities, like cooking and cleaning, also add to your monthly bill.

    • While most NY homes rely on natural gas for heating, only 12.2% of homes in the state rely on electricity for heat.
    • New York residents spend on average 5% of their annual energy costs on air conditioning. About 53% of NY households have window or wall-mounted AC systems while only 20% have central AC.
    • Approximately one third (32%) of home electricity usage goes to electronics, lighting, appliances, and air conditioning.
    • The remainder of energy use goes to water heating, refrigeration, lighting, electronics, clothes dryers, cooking, and small appliances.

    Want to learn more about your home energy usage? Con Edison customers can track 24 months of their home's electric usage plus other relevant information on each monthly bill or by logging on to your Con Ed account.

    The most effective way to cut your energy bills is to reduce your usage by sealing your doors and windows against winter and summer drafts. Adding insulation to your attic, sealing and insulating your basement, and purchasing a programmable or smart thermostat also improve your home's energy efficiency and help cut your electric bills. Your utility company can provide a wealth of resources and may offer programs to help you improve your home's energy performance.

    Understand Your Con Ed Bill

    Your Con Ed bill contains many details that can be confusing to customers. But there's lots of useful information to help you better understand your usage and rate. Below, we break down the most important items on a sample Con Ed Electric bill.

    Con Ed Sample Bill

    Con Ed Energy Example Bill Page 1

    Con Ed Energy Example Bill Page 2

    • A: Billing Information. At the top right, this section shows the amount due, and the date that the payment is due. Beginning to the left on the space below, the section shows your name, 15 digit Con Ed account number, service address, and the next meter read date.

    • : Billing Summary. This details the bill's date, the billing period, the amount paid in your last bill, and the current charges due due. The line below also shows the date of the next meter read.

    • C: Usage Summary. This section shows your average daily electric usage for the year. The section below, shows your average daily natural gas usage. Both help you compare your energy usage to the average daily temperature for each month.

    • D: Message Center: Here you can find important notifications from Con Ed.

    • E: Billing Payment Stub. This includes your 15 digit Con Ed account number, the service address, the amount due, and the due date. The stub comes pre-addressed for your convenience if you mail your payment.

    • F: The top of Page 2 shows your 15 digit Con Ed account number. The section below shows the usage information and includes the read date, meter number, the acutal metering numbers, and the total usage. Below this are the charges due from your Electric Generation Supplier.

    • G: Shows Con Ed's monthly delivery charges and rate, and then the total Con Ed charges due. Sections immediately below this deail your natural gas charges in terms of supply and delivery charges.

    • H: This section provides helpful reference information about your bill from Con Edison. Here you can find out more specific information on bill terms, charges, and surcharges.

    • I: Shows your bill payment options and includes ways to pay online, by phone, and in person. You can also set up auto pay.

    Compare Con Ed Rates

    Con Edison Coupons, Energy Promotions, Discounts, Rebates and Promo Codes

    As your local electric utility, Con Ed offers several rebate and energy efficiency programs to help customers save money off their monthly bill by upgrading their home's energy performance. Some programs also offer money-saving incentives while others could make paying your monthly bills much easier during those expensive winter and summer months.

    Program Name Program Type Benefit
    HVAC Rebates Program Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

    For residential and multifamily home ??" Con Ed customers can take advantage of significant rebates on the purchase of high efficiency heating and cooling systems, including geothermal, central air conditioning, ductless systems, and water heating.

    • Customers can get instant rebates up to $550 off the installation of a new gas water heater, pool heater, furnace, or boiler system
    • By working with a participating NYS Clean Heat program contractors, Con Ed customers can earn substantial rebates on new HVAC systems, plus earn a tax credit.
    Appliance Rebate Program Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

    Appliances include energy-saving LED bulbs, water heaters, washers, dryers, refrigerators, freezers, ventilation fans, and dehumidifiers. Rebates range from $25 to $400.

    Con Ed residential customers can get rebates by shopping the online Con Ed Marketplace.

    Residential Energy Assessment & Upgrades Energy Efficiency Program

    Qualifying Con Ed customers can sign up for $6,500 upgrades to improve your home's energy efficiency.

    • inspect your home and identify areas where you may be wasting energy
    • Install energy-saving insulation and air seal your home.
    • Make HVAC upgrades that can save energy and qualify for rebates.
    No-cost Energy Efficiency Upgrades Residential Energy Efficiency

    Con Edison has partnered with New York State Energy Research and Development Authority to provide no-cost energy efficiency upgrades to eligible Con Ed customers to reduce their electric bills.

    • A free energy audit to identify improvement areas.
    • Installation of high-efficiency lighting.
    • Attic and wall insulation.
    • Replace ld, inefficient refrigerators and freezers.
    • Install water-saving showerheads
    • A monthly electric bill credit of between $5??"$15
    Con Ed Payment Arrangements Bill payment assistance

    Con Ed offers payment arrangements to allow residential customers to pay their account balance in monthly installments. These installments are billed along with your current monthly charges and both must be paid on time, in full each month.

    • Payment arrangements are based on the amount of the balance, income, household size, and your history with prior payment arrangements.
    • Contact customer service or sign up online.
    Con Ed Energy Share Bill payment assistance

    If you're a residential customer with an active disconnect notice, you may qualify for up to $200 toward your bill once every three years. Applicants must be HEAP income eligible and provide proof of one good faith payment in the last twelve months.

    Low Income Discount Bill payment assistance

    Con Edison works with many regional programs to help low income families receive a discount on their bills if they are enrolled in an elligible program.

    Customers who qualify for the electric low income rate receive a reduction to the basic service charge. These programs for low income discounts include:

    • HEAP usually opens in early November and closes in early April. The program is available to eligible customers whose income is 130% of the Federal Poverty Level or below.
    • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
    • Federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program
    • Direct Vendor or Utility Guarantee
    • Temporary Aid to Needy Families (TANF)
    • Medicaid
    • Safety Net Assistance (SNA)

    Read Con Ed Reviews

    Since Con Ed serves a large east coast market segment, southeast New York residential customers can get a better picture of how good a job it does by comparing it to similar large-scale utilities. While Con Ed is not accredited with the BBB, the utility ranks in the top five in J.D. Power's 2020 utility residential customer satisfaction study and scored well on Newsweek's Americas Most Responsible Companies 2021 Survey.

    NY Energy Ratings Score Better Business Bureau J.D. Power 2020 Electricity Utility Study Newsweek's
    Americas Most Responsible Companies 2021 Survey
    N/A Not Accredited,
    Not Rated/td>
    of 1000 pts
    Score: 65.4/100
    Rank: 314/399

    How Do I Get the Cheapest Con Ed Rate?

    Shopping for a new Con Ed Customer Choice Plan can seem bewildering at first. Once you understand how it works, though, it's an easy and straightforward process. That said, you should have these three things with you when you shop for electricity.

    1. Your current bill. Your past usage per billing period can help you estimate a how much a plan might cost you each month.
    2. The current Con Ed PTC and expiration date. Knowing the current Con Ed supply price lets you compare rates offered by retail energy suppliers. This way, you can get a better feel for what suppliers are offering, for how long, and if any of their incentives make their price work for your family's need.
    3. Your Con Ed of New York customer account number. This 15 digit number is located on your bill. Having it handy lets you sign up with a retail supplier right away.

    Con Ed Shopping Questions

    The best way for a NY energy customer to avoid making a bad choice it to ask the right questions. That way, you can learn exactly the information that can save you money. When you shop for electricity service in New York, always be sure to ask these important questions:

    • Is the rate variable or is it fixed?
    • Is the rate competitive with the current Con Ed supply rate?
    • How long does the plan contract term run?
    • Does the plan's contract term last longer than Con Ed's PTC rate?
    • Does the plan include any recurring monthly charges?
    • Does the plan have an early cancellation fee?
    • Does the supplier offer any customer incentives or rewards programs?
    • What happens when the contract expires?

    Other Commonly Asked New York Electricity Questions:

    Who bills me? Con Ed sends a single bill that outlines and adds up your monthly charges.

    What are the Terms of Service? In NY, Customer Choice Plans must include Terms of Service that explain and identify specific charges and any fees a customer will face when they sign up for an electricity plan. Not all suppliers have the same terms. That's why all New York energy choice customers should read and understand the terms of service and contract summary for any plan they are interested in before they sign on to the plan.

    What are early termination fees? Switching retail suppliers before a contract ends can involve paying early termination fees. These can take a big chomp out of your checking account you if choose to switch retail providers before your plan contract ends.

    Where can I find more information on my usage? Con Ed customers can request 24 months of their energy usage free of charge. This is most easily available through your Con Ed online account.

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    Bill Questions? Electricity Out? Contact Con Ed!

    Having problems or interruptions with your Con Ed electricity? Here's the proper people to call.

    Con Ed Billing Problems

    The NY PSC requires all New York public utilities to offer "budget billing" where annual electricity costs are averaged out over the cost of the year. This ensures that customers aren't presented with unexpectedly high bills at peak times.

    • First thing to do is contact Con Ed. If you are having trouble paying your monthly bill call Con Ed's Customer Service: 1-800-752-6633. Have your account number ready.
    • Need extra time to pay your energy bill? Customers can apply for a payment extension. Call Con Ed Customer Service or by applying on-line.

    Con Ed Emergencies and Outages

    All power lines are extremely dangerous! Never attempt to move a downed power line by yourself. Call 911 and then notifiy Con Ed.

    • Report safety hazards involving power lines immediately to Con Ed at 1-800-914-9112.
    • You can also report downed lines or outages at Con Ed's website.
    • Check Con Ed's current electric outages as they are being repaired.

    Con Ed Service Area Providers

    Company Rating Phone
    Frontier Utilities
    Direct Energy
    (866) 645-2643
    Spark Energy
    (866) 605-8658
    Major Energy
    (866) 607-4735
    Verde Energy
    Kiwi Energy
    Spring Power & Gas
    8 results


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